Essential Oils


The roots of aromatherapy can be traced back to the early Egyptian empire 5,000 years ago. So although no one is quite certain how or when aromatherapy originated it is definitely not a recent discovery. Regular use of aromatherapy is a gentle, effective way of maintaining good health.

All the oils have antiseptic properties, the Romans used essential oils more lavishly to beautify themselves. They would rub them into their skins both before and after bathing, and use them to perfume their clothes and hair.

Sadly, during the nineteenth century, essences began to be copied chemically to lower their cost. This resulted in the loss of their therapeutic properties.

Our Essential Oils, extracted by using best of distillation techniques ensures the quality and the natural essence are not lost.

Apart from the Aromatherapy, these essential oils are beneficial when used during pregranancy, common childhood ailments many other ailments.

Shop our unique and exclusive range of Essential Oils and experience the healing powers of these wonderful oils !!!